The Mystic Tarot
The Mystic Tarot is my undergraduate thesis project. Our primary focus was to find a problem space and provide a solution. We were given free reign on our category or topic. So I decided to focus on Tarot reading. Tarot reading is a hobby of mine, and I find there are times where it feels more like a chore rather than a hobby. I wanted to explore this area further, and gain a better understanding of the practice.
My Role
UX & UI Designer
Brand & Graphic Designer
Tools Used
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Entire Timeline: 4 months
Discovery & Research: 6 weeks
Design & Testing: 6 to 8 weeks
Phase One: Project Overview
Tarot reading is a form of divination or spiritual practice that employs a set of cards to gain insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, finances, opportunities, and life changes. Today, tarot is one of the most popular methods of divination, offering more complexity than simpler methods like pendulums or tea leaves.
In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced the popularity of tarot. The pandemic led many people to contemplate their futures and seek personal insights. Tarot has become a valuable tool in this context, enabling individuals to perform readings and seek guidance about the future.
With the rise in popularity, there has been a concerted effort to reduce the stigma surrounding tarot and to dispel misinformation online. Modern approaches to tarot emphasize changing how users interact with their decks, focusing on building and using intuition. This shift enhances the tarot experience, allowing each individual to forge their own path. By transforming the way tarot is taught and interpreted, we are returning the practice to its true purpose: offering meaningful insights to all users.
How might we create a way for Tarot readers of all experience levels to build personal relationships with their decks and cards, as well as teach them how to use their intuition to read Tarot, rather than looking for answers elsewhere?
The Solution
The solution to this challenge is tied to the individual approach of the tarot reader. Some readers may not perceive any issue with their methods of interpretation or resource utilization. In fact, such practices could serve as valuable learning experiences for them. As evidenced by research, people absorb information in various ways—whether through visual aids, auditory input, or active engagement. Recognizing this diversity, an interactive Journey website tailored to cater to different learning styles has been identified as the optimal solution. This platform focuses on educating users about the fundamentals of Tarot and intuition. By empowering users to interpret information independently, without overwhelming external resources, it enables them to cultivate their insights and intuition with confidence and clarity.
Why Solve the Problem?
I see a vital need for this product as Tarot has undergone significant evolution over the years, sometimes losing touch with its original essence. In today's Tarot practice, many users heavily lean on external aids like guidebooks and online resources. While these tools provide context, they often fail to foster a deep connection with intuition and the nuanced understanding of each card's unique message. My aim with this project is to address this gap. I envision creating a system that empowers Tarot readers to rediscover the essence of their cards and apply their meanings to personal situations, rather than relying solely on generic interpretations. While existing websites and apps offer valuable insights and spread examples, they typically stop short of delving into the individual nuances of each card. Additionally, while physical resources can enhance the tactile experience of Tarot, there remains a lack of comprehensive guidance on intuitive learning methods. My goal is to bridge this gap by offering a holistic approach that combines online resources with hands-on practice, ensuring that every Tarot enthusiast can find a path that resonates with them.
Target Demographic
Currently, the prevailing focus in the market lies predominantly on educating readers about the Tarot cards themselves, often stopping short of delving into deeper aspects of interpretation. While descriptions of cards in various contexts, such as upright or reversed positions, are commonly available, there's a noticeable gap in guiding readers on how to tap into their intuition and emotions when working with the cards. Many resources fail to emphasize the importance of trusting one's instincts and personal beliefs, which diverges from the true essence of Tarot practice.
The intended audience for this project encompasses Tarot users of all proficiency levels, transcending age, location, or any other defining characteristics. The only prerequisite for users is a genuine interest in Tarot or a desire to deepen their understanding. This product aims to serve as an inclusive online support system, catering to individuals on their unique journey with Tarot. Tarot has always been meant for everyone, and this project seeks to uphold that principle by offering guidance and resources without limitations.
Phase Two: Research Stages
Secondary Research
Before I had begun my research, I asked myself questions regarding the topics. I wanted to determine how Tarot and intuition relate to one another on a deeper scale.
What is Tarot ?
What is the history of Tarot reading?
Why do people read Tarot cards?
How popular is Tarot reading?
Why has Tarot reading gotten so popular in recent years?
What is the general market size for Tarot readers?
What are some current resources on the market today regarding Tarot?
What are the meanings of each card in a Tarot deck?
What is the anatomy of a Tarot deck?
How does the average person currently read Tarot cards?
What are some example Tarot spreads for beginners?
What is intuition?
What is intuitive thinking?
Why is intuition important in everyday life?
How does one learn to think intuitively?
How does one develop their own intuition?
How can you combine your intuition with reading Tarot?
What are different kinds of learning methods?
What are some tips for teaching people a new skill?
Why are online education platforms, like Duolingo, successful?
Primary Research
Four types of primary user research were conducted to develop the final product, involving a total of six participants throughout all stages of the research process. Each participant was assigned a unique number from one to six to facilitate the observation of consistent behaviors across various tests and studies.
The user testing aligns with our success criteria by significantly contributing to the final prototype. This research helps determine the essential elements for the lesson prototype, ensuring its functionality, which aligns with the second point of our success criteria.
The most recent round of user testing was instrumental in making final decisions about the potential prototype and the layout of the mock-ups. This step adheres to the first point of our success criteria.
Tarot Reading Observations Part 1
3 users participated in an in-person observation session where they were asked to complete a simple Tarot reading. During this session, users examined the cards and interpreted their meanings, focusing on the artwork and symbolism. This intuitive test aimed to gather personal insights from each participant.
The project coordinator recorded the sessions and made detailed observations, which served as a valuable reference for the project.
During the three-card observation tests, users with more Tarot experience demonstrated a better understanding of the card meanings, drawing from their established practices. In contrast, beginners or those with no experience often felt confused and overwhelmed, struggling to formulate responses immediately and needing more time to interpret the cards.
Interestingly, experienced users provided quick, almost robotic answers, relying heavily on their guidebooks and prior studies. This was somewhat surprising, as beginners, despite taking longer, did not consider the personal application of the cards' meanings. Conversely, intermediate users quickly generated responses and effectively applied the interpretations to their situations.
During the research stages of this project, I administered a user questionnaire to four participants, inquiring about their knowledge of Tarot, intuition, intuitive behavior, and general learning preferences. The questionnaire comprised eight questions, and participants were given a few days to respond. The purpose of this questionnaire was to develop user personas and gain insights into each individual's perspectives on Tarot.
Please disclose your experience with reading Tarot.
Do you think you have a good sense of intuition?
Please give an example of how you use your intuition every day or a time when you used your intuition.
How do you think Tarot and intuition relate to one another?
Why do you read Tarot the way that you do? Please explain your process.
How good do you feel at observing images to determine a deeper meaning?
How do you learn new things? How do you think you learn new information?
If you completed the Tarot Reading Observations with the principal investigator (Mikaela Delaney), why did you read the cards this way?
During the questionnaires, participants expressed confidence in their intuition, particularly in areas where they excel. One user, for example, noted that they thrive in practical tasks aligned with their passions. Upon hearing the "answers" to the Tarot cards they read, participants were able to better formulate meanings and deepen their understanding. This insight is valuable for the research phase as it demonstrates users' awareness of their intuitive processes and their ability to adapt or enhance these skills.
These findings informed the development of my digital solution, leading to the creation of an interactive media application. This app allows users to track their progress, practice reading cards with minimal resources, and learn at their own pace.
Cart Sorting
Three users participated in a Tarot card sorting activity designed to observe their perceptions when presented with a full set of Tarot cards. They were given five minutes and complete freedom in how they sorted the cards. All three users organized the cards by suit and separated the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana. Additionally, two users finished with extra time remaining.
The card sorting activity yielded the least surprising results of the three activities. Each user started with the cards randomly placed on the table, and all three ended up sorting them in the same way—by suit, with the Major Arcana separated. This outcome was anticipated. Users were timed, and they relied on the visible features of each card to determine their placement, rather than the imagery or their personal interpretations. They adopted a logical approach.
This observation is noteworthy because it mirrors how Tarot readers sometimes interpret the cards during readings—focusing on the straightforward answers rather than using their intuition. This activity demonstrated that readers often see the cards at face value, rather than delving into their deeper meanings.
Tarot Reading Observations Part 2
Three users received a document containing four Tarot cards to interpret—two cards on their own and two with assistance. A "cheat sheet" was provided, offering general meanings of symbols and numerology to aid their interpretation. This exercise aimed to compare the effectiveness of having direct answers versus general guidelines, assessing whether users formulated better responses with the help of the cheat sheet.
The study revealed that experienced users predominantly relied on their intuition and personal skills. In contrast, less experienced users depended heavily on the provided cheat sheet. Users with moderate experience adhered closely to the instructions, basing their answers strictly on the guidelines given.
Phase Three: Prototypes
Concept Map
I developed this concept map to structure the entire system before creating the lesson plan. The goal was to ensure a comprehensive outline to inform my research and subsequent lesson development.
I started with the central themes of Tarot and Intuition, which are the core focus areas. Tarot was then divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana was further categorized into three subgroups and follows the Fool's Journey, reflecting personal experiences and emotions.
Next, I detailed the Minor Arcana, breaking it down by suits, numerology, and elements. The four suits—Swords, Cups, Pentacles, and Wands—were further elaborated upon.
Returning to the beginning of the map, the connection between Tarot and Intuition is highlighted. Intuition, understood as a gut feeling, is essential for reading Tarot. Selecting Tarot cards is an intuitive process influenced by one's experiences and emotions.
Site Map
For the site map, I outlined the anticipated flow of the website. Initially, there was a plan to include an option for users to create an account to initiate their lessons. However, considering simplicity and the required coding skills, this feature was removed.
Instead, users will have immediate access to all website content. However, to access the majority of the notes in the journey and lesson plan, they must complete the corresponding lesson. Progressing through the lessons unlocks additional information. Once a user completes a lesson, they retain access to the lessons and notes for future reference.
Early Wireframes
Competitor Analysis
The Mystic Tarot distinguishes itself from other online resources by prioritizing inclusive learning experiences. We offer various interactive features, including diagrams, charts, and an interactive interface, as well as options for auditory learning. Our content is organized into distinct units and lessons, allowing users to take breaks, avoid information overload, and resume their learning seamlessly.
We deliver content in a straightforward manner, free from distracting ads or unnecessary visuals. Any visuals included serve a specific purpose for enhancing user understanding rather than diverting attention. The interactive lesson plan is our flagship feature, allowing users to embark on their Tarot journey at any time. Progression through the lessons is structured, ensuring users absorb information at their own pace. Upon completing a unit, users gain access to expanded content and resources.
As a free online service, inclusivity is at the core of our mission. We welcome users of all experience levels and beliefs, aiming to provide a supportive platform for learning and exploration.
Phase 4: Design Elements
Aesthetics & Moodboards
Interactive Journey
Marketing Website
Phase 5: Final Designs
Website Figma Mock-up
Lesson Plan Figma Mock-up
Phase Six: Next Steps
In the future, there are several enhancements I envision to elevate the Mystic Tarot experience. Firstly, I aim to transition from relying solely on Figma prototypes to coding the entire website, ensuring a seamless user journey from start to finish. This entails dedicating a separate HTML page to host the lesson plan, reformatting it for improved flow and readability.
Next, I plan to introduce additional features to enhance accessibility and accommodate diverse learning styles. These include implementing a progress bar to track user advancement and integrating a text-to-speech option, offering users an auditory learning alternative akin to a podcast. Additionally, I aspire to enrich the lesson plan with more interactive exercises, fostering the development of users' intuition, a central objective of the product.
Furthermore, for unit information, I intend to augment textual content with visual elements by incorporating images and icons. Each card label will be accompanied by a custom-designed deck that aligns with the branding and aesthetics of the Mystic Tarot, reducing clutter and enhancing visual appeal for users who prefer a more graphical approach.